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Growing Interest of Overseas Buyers in the Australian Real Estate Market
Growing Interest of Overseas Buyers in the Australian Real Estate Market Sydney
By   Internet
  • City News
  • Overseas buyers
  • Australian properties
  • real estate market
Abstract: There has been a gradual increase in the interest of overseas buyers in the Australian real estate market. Since the immigration numbers have returned to pre-pandemic levels, there has been a continuous increase in searches for property purchases and rentals by overseas individuals. Particularly, the search volumes for property purchases and rentals from China have already recovered to pre-pandemic levels in March 2023, showing a rapid growth trend.

This growth is mainly driven by the return of students and immigrant workers. With the reopening of international borders in Australia, the monthly influx of overseas arrivals has been increasing, significantly impacting population growth. There has also been a notable increase in the interest of overseas searchers in the rental market.

It is projected that over the next five years, rental prices for Australian apartments are expected to increase by 30% or more, which would boost the returns for existing investors and create a brief window of opportunity for new investors. However, the insufficient supply could lead to a surge in rental prices, requiring the delivery of approximately 75,000 new apartments annually to meet the growing demand.

Growing Interest of Overseas Buyers in the Australian Real Estate Market

In terms of property prices, the latest data shows that the growth in Sydney has experienced the most significant slowdown, while Melbourne and Brisbane have witnessed some increases. However, the supply remains severely inadequate, and the rate of new inventory additions is unable to keep up with the growth in demand. This has intensified competition in the market and added pressure to the rising property prices.

The Australian government has implemented a series of measures to balance the market for overseas buyers. Additional taxes and restrictions targeting non-resident investors have been implemented, for example. Furthermore, the government is encouraging developers to provide more housing suitable for the middle- and lower-income groups to alleviate the housing shortage.

However, it is important to note that overseas buyers also face certain risks and challenges when purchasing property in Australia. Firstly, the Australian real estate market experiences considerable volatility, and investors need to carefully consider the long-term prospects and risks of the market. Secondly, overseas buyers need to understand and comply with the relevant laws and regulations in Australia to ensure the legality and smooth process of property acquisition.

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Growing Interest of Overseas Buyers in the Australian Real Estate Market
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